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What The Recommended LDL Cholesterol Levels Are To Slow Down The Development Of Plaque And Narrowing

Having high LDL cholesterol levels is certainly a risk factor for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). But having high HDL cholesterol actually helps to protect against it. Therefore, knowing the recommended LDL cholesterol levels and HDL cholesterol levels, achieving and maintain them, is your best option for increasing your protection against heart disease, a heart attack, a stroke or any other coronary event. The best way to find out what your current LDL cholesterol levels are is to have a simple blood test. This will also let you know what your HDL and triglyceride levels are too, as most doctors look at the blood lipids, which include total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides to get a clearer picture of any potential risk. If you discover that your LDL cholesterol is too high, then you need to adapt some LDL cholesterol lowering techniques for lowering LDL cholesterol while at the same time, raising HDL levels. It is no secret that heart disease remains one of the leading killers in today’s society, claiming millions of lives throughout the world every single year. To put it into perspective, in the US alone, someone dies from heart disease every 34 seconds, and every 20 seconds, someone has a heart attack, which hopefully he or she will survive. The best way to achieve the optimal levels is to learn how to lower LDL cholesterol naturally, while at the same time, improve your triglyceride and HDL levels. This is the preferred method because when you lower LDL cholesterol without medication you protect yourself against dangerous side effects, and you increase your chances of sustaining balanced, healthy cholesterol levels long term. How To Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Without Using Statins To Increase Blood Flow To Your Heart And Brain There are a number of lifestyle factors that influence your LDL cholesterol levels, and managing these factors successfully will ensure you achieve heart healthy cholesterol levels. Your diet has the greatest impact on your LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels, and if you control what you eat, then you can lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL. If you have high cholesterol, you need to limit eating liver, kidneys, prawns and eggs, as these foods contain more cholesterol than most other foods. The biggest culprit for increasing LDL cholesterol levels is without doubt, foods that are high in saturated fat. Eating fewer foods rich in saturates and increasing foods rich in Omega 3 and soluble fibre, will help prevent and treat abnormal cholesterol levels. This will ensure you not only lower LDL cholesterol but that you increase HDL at the same time. Modifications to your diet and healthy eating can lower cholesterol levels by 5-10 percent. Here are some tips to help you achieve healthier LDL cholesterol levels:

  • Eat less total fatSwitch from saturates to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats

  • Limit foods containing trans fatsIncrease the amount of fish you eat and if you don’t like fish, take a high quality fish oil supplement

  • Make sure you have 5 fruit and vegetables every dayIncrease the amount of foods that are rich in soluble fibre

  • Limit your salt intake to no more than 6g a dayIf you need to lose weight then try to drop a few pounds

  • Drink alcohol in moderation

  • Quit or limit smoking

  • Exercise more

To compliment the above and to help you achieve, and more importantly sustain, your cholesterol goals for a healthier heart, why not add a natural cholesterol supplement to your daily routine. While there are a lot of rubbish supplements out there that have no effect on your cholesterol levels, there are some that can actually help you achieve fantastic results. The reason they are able to do this is down to the ingredients they contain. The right ingredients can lower LDL cholesterol, increase HDL and lower triglycerides. When trying to find out how to lower LDL without medication, a special natural cholesterol supplement came to the fore, called Cholest-Natural. Combined with the above tips, heart healthy cholesterol levels are easily achieved and sustained. Lowering LDL cholesterol levels is important, but equally important is maintaining those healthy cholesterol levels when they have been achieved. Cholesterol is a lifelong project, if you are to truly protect yourself against CHD, heart attacks, strokes or worse. Adapting the aforementioned tips and advice for lowering LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides and increasing HDL levels will give you the ultimate protection, and more importantly, peace of mind, so why not make a start today.



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