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4 Tips on How to Lower LDL Cholesterol Naturally

If you’ve recently heard those four scary words from your doctor, ‘you’re cholesterol is high’, you may be considering how to lower LDL cholesterol naturally without the use of medication. For many people, taking medication is not the preferred route, as it can include miserable side effects, high costs, and annoying trips to the pharmacy. While you may be interested in doing something about your cholesterol other than taking a pill, people generally don’t know how to lower their cholesterol naturally on their own. Here are some of the best ways to help you lower your cholesterol on your own so that you can impress your physician at your next doctor’s visit!

  1. First, you can try to get as much exercise as possible. Individuals who get proper exercise on a regular basis are actually self-treating things like high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and those who work out report lower levels of cholesterol overall. Many people who started with high cholesterol who focused on a regular work out program have been able to bring their levels back down to normal on their own.

  2. The second tip you can try on your own to lower your cholesterol is to try to actually raise your good cholesterol, also called your HDL. The HDL, in a way, can help to balance out the problems of your LDL, the bad cholesterol. Often, when people increase their HDL, the LDL naturally decreases. Several ways to increase your HDL are drinking red wine (or taking natural supplements), regular exercise, and losing excess weight.

  3. One of the most important things that you can do on your own to lower your cholesterol is to eat right. The best way to start on a healthy eating program is to limit how much red meat you take in. You can replace red meat with lean chicken or other sources of protein so that you still feel full and satiated but can help to keep your cholesterol down. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. You should also try to steer clear of eating too many eggs in your diet or having an excess of cheese or butter. Many people underestimate the importance of dietary choices when it comes to knowing how to lower ldl cholesterol.

  4. Another way to lower LDL without the help of medication is to take high quality fish oil, which has a natural affect to decrease bad cholesterol. While pharmaceutical companies try not to talk about this valuable tool, it is a helpful solution that has assisted many people in lowering their cholesterol. Of course if you have just been given the bad news that your cholesterol is high enough to need treatment you are probably ready to do what it takes to get your LDL down on your own.

For those who want to lower LDL cholesterol naturally, take these 4 tips and incorporate them into your daily life to get your cholesterol down without the use of medication.



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