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Reducing the Risk of Disease with High Cholesterol Medication

The health risks related to high cholesterol levels will lead to heart attacks and dangerous cardiovascular ailments. Heart disease and avoiding it, is the reason behind taking the high cholesterol medication. For most, they prefer to reduce the intake of high content cholesterol foods. Nevertheless, the diet can at times, be totally ineffective as a cholesterol reduction treatment. Thus, this gives rise to use the high cholesterol medication.

The reason behind the ineffective results of the diet and exercise can be because of genetic reasons. If the lifestyle changes that you have made do not create the successful cholesterol reduction, then it would be about the perfect time to take the high cholesterol medication.

The very first step that physicians advise their patient when diagnosed with high cholesterol levels is to take the right diet and exercise. This means reducing food with high saturated fats and fitness programs that will burn fat. The usual term for this treatment would b around three months at the most. If at the end of the testing period you still have the same levels of cholesterol, then the high cholesterol medication is advised to be taken.

For some doctors, the presence of medical records that showed cardiovascular diseases will lead them to prescribe high cholesterol medication. Any history of heart disease in the family should be properly disclosed to the doctor to allow him to determine the extent of the high cholesterol medication that should be given.

Before you begin the treatment process with the high cholesterol medication, you should be aware of any expected side effects. Liver problems, digestive problems, muscle pain, headaches and tingling or numbness are common side effects that have been observed on those taking the high cholesterol medications. Each side effect would depend on the type of drug that you are taking.

These side effects are reasons why you can delay taking the high cholesterol medication. If you are not directly suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it would be better to refrain from the high cholesterol medication and start with lifestyle changes first. Males aged below 35 and women who are not yet in the menopausal stage are advised to use the cholesterol medication only if the lifestyle change fails to succeed with the cholesterol reduction.

The statins are only one of the high cholesterol medications in the market. However, the side effects of this medicine are quite high in the occurrence. If you cannot stand the side effects, then perhaps you can switch to another high cholesterol medication. Your way of living is the best way to control and reduce the high cholesterol levels. The high cholesterol medications should not form a frequent part of your lifestyle.



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